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HomeObjectives & Priorities

VPPA Objectives & Priorities


Retain & Recruit

Recognizing that all benefits and services are dependent on healthy and increased membership

  • Continue with a more sophisticated approach reducing membership attrition levels and improving recruitment efforts
  • Give particular attention to improving retention among third- and fourth-year members
  • Audit existing member benefits and consider ways to create greater value through enhanced benefits
  • Learn how to tap into and monetize the people hitting our website and social media every month
  • Further develop a comprehensive social media strategy designed to engage members in a much greater way, including significant social media groups and outlets where we currently have no presence



Education – To create, maintain and promote educational content for photographers of all skill levels, focusing on the core needs of photographic professionals, while also integrating training on current trends and technology in the industry. VPPA should inspire member to desire to grow and learn more through our education and promote a lifetime of learning.

  • Integrate all of VPPA's educational offerings into a central resource
  • Create a system that allows potential members access to “freemium” content to engage audiences outside of the current membership

Photographic Competition

Offer and enhance photographic evaluations at the state affiliate level that exceed the needs of the membership by recognizing photographic excellence, providing education through evaluation, instruction, and resources, as well as utilizing current technologies and adapting to trends in the photographic world. All this is done while maintaining the high standard of the Photographic Degree and encouraging membership to always be improving their craft.

  • Increase unique user participation
  • Create brand awareness and promote the culture, relevancy and benefits around the degrees that influences and incentivizes members to seek a degree



To provide a venue for the delivery of education, networking opportunities, and meaningful social experiences that enhance the professional photographic community.


Bring decision-making processes in line with those of the for-profit world. Actively cultivate trust among the board and membership.

Governance is the way a group of people do things, the process to use power and authority to influence and enact policy.

Sustainability, we are a PPA Affiliate, incorporated in 1969 but established in 1898.

During the 2024 Virginia State Legislature, the Virginia Professional Photographers Association was awarded the Commonwealth of Virginia General Assembly House Joint Resolution No. 359 commending them on their 125th Anniversary. of continuous service to our industry in the Commonwealth. The House Joint Resolution 359 was signed on March 5, 2024 by the House and further agreed to by the Senate on March 7, 2024. House Patron Delegate Carr and Senate Patron Senator Bagby.



Financial Stability

PPA strives to facilitate and enhance economic processes, manage risks, and absorb market changes. Financial decisions are changeable over time and consistent with combinations of the ability to successfully maintain its functions, efficiently manage its expenses, and withstand external potential setbacks all while exhibiting growth.


Investment guidelines and policies are in place as well as board approval before making substantial changes in decisions which affect finances.


In 2020 the board implemented a new accounting system that is easy to understand and implemented a tracking system that makes management reports easy to read and follow.


Credits & Degrees

Degrees are a vital way for photographers to keep up with the latest the photographic industry has to offer. Official degrees also give you an edge in business. Encourage members to pursue a degree through VPPA.

Credentials identify a member as an outstanding professional imagemaker, worthy of recognition by colleagues. VPPA offers two degrees, Fellow of Photography (FP) and Service of Photography (SP).



Connecting Professional Photographers Through Education & Networking