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"Connecting Professional Photographers Through Education and Networking"


I. Membership (Retain & Recruit)

II. Education

III. Governance/Financial Stablilty

IV. Credits & Degrees

Members of The Virginia Professional Photographers' Association are committed to promoting artistic, technical, and business excellence in professional image making while endorsing the highest standards of ethical conduct.

Organizations such as the VPPA can function only with the dedication of devoted volunteers.

We are a group of artists willing to commit time and energy to make VPPA a strong, dynamic coalition of professionals. Everyone is encouraged to attend functions at both State and District levels. We hope all members will experience the value of membership in our association and contribute their time and talent to benefit VPPA.


To raise the standards of professional image making

To demonstrate integrity in all business practices

To provide continuing education opportunities for our members

To promote a spirit of cooperation among all members

To motivate all Virginia image makers to aspire to membership in this Association

To foster goodwill in the community

To influence consumers to select members of the association for photographic work


Code of Conduct

TO observe the highest standards of integrity in all transactions, avoiding the use of false, confusing, inaccurate or misleading terms, descriptions, and claims.

TO maintain a dignity of manner in behavior, in the presentation of services, in all forms of public contact, including personal appearance and that of the studio or place of business.

TO endeavor to produce images of a quality equal or superior to the samples on display, to provide the best possible photographic services, and to raise the general standard of photographic craftsmanship.

TO assist and cooperate with fellow professional image makers by sharing knowledge or aiding in any difficulties.

TO encourage and expect other VPPA members to uphold the highest standards of the profession.

TO subscribe to the Federal Trade Commission rules of Fair Competitive Practices for the professional photographic industry.

TO discontinue immediately the use of the Association’s name, seal, logo or emblem if membership lapses or is revoked. Under these circumstances, no attempt may be made to claim or to infer membership in this organization.

TO recognize the authority of this Association in all matters relating to the interpretation of this Code.



The VPPA stringently supports a Code of Ethics. Upon acceptance as a member, you are sent a copy as a permanent reminder. You will be asked to sign the Code of Ethics each year as you renew your membership.

The VPPA has a standing Ethics Committee with one member from each of the four Districts. This committee reviews and enforces the Code of Ethics and is empowered to handle complaints brought either by another photographer or by a consumer against a member. The committee attempts to resolve each issue amicably, however serious violations can result in expulsion from the organization.



As a VPPA member, you will be exposed to the latest advances in the photography field through monthly meetings, the Fall Seminar and the Annual Convention. Nationally acclaimed speakers present programs that can improve your existing skills and teach you new techniques. Your annual membership dues cover all VPPA-sponsored gatherings with no separate registration fees. The Convention is held in a centrally located site. Other meetings take place in various locations around the state and cover a wide variety of topics.


As a Professional or Life member, you are eligible for scholarships that allow individuals to study at PPA Affiliated Schools which are found in many nearby states. The Association provides thousands of dollars in scholarships and awards annually to promote and enhance members continued image excellence and business skills.

Scholarships and Awards we offer:

  • Memorial Under 3
  • Memorial Over 3
  • Polly Frye
  • Bruce Hobbs
  • PPA National Award
  • Virginia Award
  • Renny Cave Volunteer Award
  • Annual Image Excellence Awards


As a member, you have the opportunity to earn image credits and service/education credits toward VPPA Degrees. These credentials identify you as an outstanding professional imagemaker, worthy of recognition by your colleagues. Virginia offers two degrees: Fellow of Photography (FP) and Service of Photography (SP).

Members who wear the FP Award (Silver Ribbon with Gold Medallion) have earned 85 or more credits. At least 43 of these credits must come from images winning blue ribbons at our state’s annual competition.

Members who wear the SP Award (Scarlett Ribbon with Gold SP Medallion) have earned a total of 85 or more total credits, of which at least 43 must have been earned for service to the association.

For every additional 85 credits earned, a gold bar is awarded for either degree. There are no service or blue ribbon restrictions on bars. Bars are attached to the FP ribbon. Degree recipients are announced each year at the Banquet held during the statewide Convention.


Submitting your best images to a panel of nationally qualified judges allows you to see how your work compares to that of other professionals in the state. You will have an option at PhotoConnect-VA in February to enter Image Competition and to have your images critiqued, at an additional fee, by PPA Affiliate Judges. At ImageFest-VA in August and occasionally at the District level, you may have your images critiqued by experienced professionals and learn ways to improve your images before entering image competition.


The Cardinal Recognition Award was created to recognize participation and service to our photographic community through image submission, service and education. This award can be earned annually and will inspire members to become, and stay active, in our professional community. TO DOWNLOAD THE CARDINAL PASSPORT - GO TO MEMBER PORTAL - FILES

PixelThisTM is a Mastermind alliance with the core focus on sharing images and getting feedback from our fellow members. Rely on us for support as you pursue your dreams and overcome your struggles. Sharing and discussing your photography will make you a better photographer and transform your vision.




Professional Photographers of America (PPA) Community Networks are individual professional photography organizations that have chosen to partner with the national PPA organization. Membership in the national PPA is separate from membership in a local community network. If you are also a member of PPA, you are able to earn merits toward the national PPA degree program. The PPA Certified Professional Photographer (CPP) program information is distributed to Community Network PPA Members by PPA CPP Liaisons during the year.


The VPPA Community Network with PPA includes the Blue Ridge District, Capital District, Northern District and Tidewater District. We have four PPA Councilors who represent us at the national meetings. They are the liaison between the state and the national associations. From them we obtain information, and through them we express any ideas and concerns we may have as a community network partner.



Because the state of Virginia has a large geographic territory, the VPPA is subdivided into four districts, known as Blue Ridge, Capital, Northern and Tidewater. Each district functions independently, having its own programs, social gatherings and newsletters. By attending your district’s functions, you will keep up with current image making practices while getting to know the other member photographers in your local area. Participation in District events is not restricted by District. All Virginia members are welcome at all events


As a member of the VPPA, your interests are represented by the Board of Directors, the governing body of the organization. Professional, Retired and Life members vote for representatives on both the state and district levels. Your District Governor is your closest link to the Board and the best person to relay any ideas you may have. However, any member of the Board would be eager to hear your constructive ideas directly.

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Connecting Professional Photographers Through Education & Networking